H ave you ever felt lonely? or Have you ever felt lonely even when you are surrounded by your loved ones? or Have you ever felt that something is missing in life? If the answer to these questions is "yes" then you know the pain of being lonely. How helpless we feel about knowing that we are lonely. I guess all of us have felt lonely either for a short or long period in our life. You can't judge whether a person is lonely or not. A person might be lonely even if he has a big friends' circle or you see him smiling in front of others. You never know what's going inside a person's head. There is a possibility that a person interacting with many people might be lonely and trying to overcome it by interacting with new people. Lonely people often avoid confessing it just because of the fear being judged by friends. Generally, people feel lonely when they have lost interest in life due to some mishappening or they feel ...