Peer Pressure and Competition

The Unwanted Pressure: Peer Pressure

             I had my first sip of alcohol when was in my college. Believe me, i didn't wish to drink it but there was something that forced me and this was so strong that it defeated my instincts. My insticts were constantly shouting that i shouldn't "Drink" but i still drank. You know why???

                         It was the "peer pressure of my friends".All of my friends drink alcohol and i was the odd one out and i know the pain of being an odd one out just like you may be facing right now and i was no different from others as all teenagers go through this phase."The phase of trying to be cool" being  "The Stud " of the class.

                        I guess you too might have grown your hairs long or you might have wore a low waist jeans or bunked classes and you know the reason why. Funnily, how immature we are during teenage that we think by doing this we will look cool, "Girls will be impressed by us".

                       Seriously, I  was always single during my school time when all of my friends were in a relationship.Some happy of being in it and some became singers after break up as if they were meant for each other. And last but not the least were students like me who never came in a relationship but funnily used to give relationship advices so confidently that we came to be  popularly known as "love gurus". During this time i was in constant peer pressure to find a girlfriend.I was so desperate to find a girlfriend that studies were none of my concern. 

                         Last but not the least was the peer pressure of joining a coaching institute just because all of my friends were trying for IIT or medical. So i too followed the crowd and believe me at the beginning it seems quite easy. I used to think "Yes i can do it, i am made for it" but funnily it ended with" Fuck this shit, I wanna be out " or sadly for some it ends with a rope around there neck just because they couldn't take the pressure.

                         You know what, you don't need to do something that you feel isn't right. Follow your instincts, don't do wrong things just because you want to be in a crowd. Don't fear of being different,just be who you truly are. Life is full of fun and thrill so please don't narrow it down by trying to impress to other's . "Who wants to stay with you will stay with you , you don't need to change yourself for other's."

Thank you for reading this blog, any suggestions about the topic are most welcome. Do share it with someone who is going through this phase.   


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