How to read your life?



follow your passion                     If you are 15-18 years old,then the most common question that comes to your mind is "what is my passion" and the  answer to this question may change your future. As I have to been through this phase so I will tell you how I found out my passion in life.
                      First of all, before knowing your passion you should know the meaning of the word "passion".There is basic misconception about passion that it will make you rich but it's true meaning is that by following it you will be happy even if you fail in it, you won't give up. 

 How to find your passion?

no pain no gain          1) Pain -
     The word "Passion" comes from a latin word "party" which means to suffer. So if you want to find your passion ,you should look for something that causes you pain. If incompletion of that task causes you so much pain that you do it as soon as you get time and think about it so much unless its done, so my friend you have got your passion. You must be thinking why is it important to suffer for passion, the answer is "while following your passion there may be ups and downs but if you love that thing you will have the guts to fight the down and reach success"

self introspection              2) Courage to Pause- 
      It means instead of thinking about your passion allow your mind to be empty.Sadly our lives are so choked with thoughts that we really get this time and thanks to our phones for this. A study by Deloitte's has shown that a person checks his phone 46 times a day, we just seem to be constantly mentally bombarded with Twitter,Instagram and other social media sites. What this does is, it makes us obsessed rather then being passionate and distract our thinking process. So to find your passion you need to create some headspace away from distractions.

        3) To find a Purpose- 
   The third key is to find a purpose bigger then yourself. So to find your passion you need to stop thinking about yourself and start to think about others.The main reason why indian teenagers make a wrong passion is because of our education system. In school it was always fighting for a higher rank than others, focus is always on my marks and my success and making something of myself. But there is something wrong about this and that's because passion is about finding a cause that is not devoted on yourself but a cause that is devoted to serving others.
                    By thinking of serving for others your mind will lead a path of Innovation rather then becoming better then others and this will make great impact on you thinking process and you would find your passion. 

All these steps will lead you to your passion, but if then also you don't find it, then this last step will 110% give you your answer. 
  •   Support Other's passion- Try to support and work for passionate person in achieving his passion. By doing so you will be deeply inspired and motivated and in due course you will find what you need.

I wish you a good luck for your future and keep one thing in mind" it's better to go alone in the right path then following others in the wrong path" so don't try to copy someone else's passion follow your own.

Do comment your views and  share this blog will all your loved ones who are misleaded or don't know there passion. 


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