Indian Society

When you are an average looking Indian Guy

                           So, today i am going to talk about me, an average looking guy who is average in sports, average in studies and belongs to a typical middle class family. According to you, where do I stand in this materialistic society.
 A society where "Your ENGLISH defines your education and Your looks define your personality." you gotta be on top of both - good looks and English speaking skills are the parameters to earn respect. And if you lack both then you gotta be damm rich, because ironically in India you can 'buy' respect. Basically, an average Indian guy studies with an intention to get rich so that he can buy some respect in the society rather then to gain knowledge.

                              Infact, chances of an average Indian guy getting the love of his life is damn low. Indian fathers get their daughters married to a "rich jackass" who is utterly brand savy and shows off his posh SUV than to a guy who is rich, not by money but from his thoughts.The whole concept of Indian marriages is that your marriage solely depends on your social status than purity of heart and feelings. And to have a good social status, the requirements are above mentioned.

                                 Now you would ask  that what should an average indian guy do to be get some respect in our society.Even I don't know what's the solution to this problem but i think we can make a change by telling the society our views just like i am doing by writing this blog, so if you think  you qualify to be  "an average Indian guy" do share this blog."OR JOIN MERCHANT NAVY JUST LIKE ME :).

Yours sincerely






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