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            H ave you ever felt lonely? or Have you ever felt lonely even when you are surrounded by your loved ones? or Have you ever felt that something is missing in life?  If the answer to these questions is "yes" then you know the pain of being lonely. How helpless we feel about knowing that we are lonely.  I guess all of us have felt lonely either for a short or long period in our life.  You can't judge whether a person is lonely or not. A person might be lonely even if he has a big friends' circle or you see him smiling in front of others. You never know what's going inside a person's head. There is a possibility that a person interacting with many people might be lonely and trying to overcome it by interacting with new people.  Lonely people often avoid confessing it just because of the fear being judged by friends. Generally, people feel lonely when they have lost interest in life due to some mishappening or they feel ...

Story Of A Back Bencher

S chool time is considered to be the best time of our life and if you were a backbencher then you have enjoyed it all. Backbench was not only a place to sit but our playground, movie theatre and food complex. Backbenchers used to do everything other than studying. R anging from gossiping with friends to finishing tiffin boxes of others without their knowledge, from sleeping in the classroom to texting with our girlfriend, from deciding nicknames for the teachers to making funny noises to disturb the teaching progress and drawing "genitals" on benches with our compass while the teacher is teaching without getting caught.         I n school, the bench you sat in, demarcated your strata in the classroom society. If you were a frontbencher, you submitted your assignments on time, i f   y ou were a middle-bencher, you never submitted your assignment on time and if  y ou were a backbencher, leave alone submitting, you didn't know about the assignme...

How To Be Happy

How To Be Happy: A Mystery To Be Solved                 T here has been an unending research on how to be happy but none of them succeeded to find a way to be happy forever. Researchers were able to figure out a way to get momentarily happiness but  eternal happiness was still a mystery .                According to researchers, long-term happiness varies from person to person as it depends upon your relationships with friends and family, your personality, your attitude and the most important how you deal with your problems. Longterm happiness doesn't depend upon financial status once your basic needs are met and it also doesn't depend on how big your friend's circle is.               Eternal happiness can only be achieved when you know yourself better and accept the harsh realities of life. You will attain eternal happiness...


LIFE IS NOT FAIR           E verytime i am free, there is a thought which keeps my mind working "is god fair to all." I get thoughts such as-: What would my life be if i was born in a slum? Would it be same as it is right now, so simple and easy or would it be a struggle to survive. What would my life be if i was born handicapped?  Would I still play football and climb mountains as i do right now or be a slave of a wheelchair. What would my life be if i was born with a genetic disorder? Would my childhood still pass by eating chocolates or by eating pills.. What would my life be if i was born under dictatorship  just like North Korea?  Would i still be free as i am right now or would i be a victim of human rights violation. What would my life be if i was born an orphan? Would I still enjoy that deep unconditional love of my parents or be at an adoption centre, waiting to be loved..         ...

Indian Society

When you are an average looking Indian Guy                                    So, today i am going to talk about me , an average looking guy who is average in sports, average in studies and belongs to a typical middle class family. According to you, where do I stand in this materialistic society.  A  society where " Your ENGLISH defines your education and Your looks define your personality ." you gotta be on top of both - good looks and English speaking skills are the parameters to earn respect. And if you lack both then you gotta be damm rich, because ironically in India you can 'buy' respect. Basically, an average Indian guy studies with an intention to get rich so that he can buy some respect in the society rather then to gain knowledge.                               Infact, chances of an a...

Pehla Pehla Pyar

Pehla Pehla Pyar               Teenage love is quite interesting. It's the best feeling in the world so today I am going to talk about my first crush of my school.         So it begins,  When did my feelings get so deep? Why did they take that big long leap? Going from friend to crush,  What a rush, And I don't think she knows. Since when did her smile make me go weak? Since when did her tears make mine start to leak? Why does this happen when I'm always so strong? When people called me Superman I guess they were wrong, And I don't think she knows. When she talks I can't help but watch her lips, To notice their shape and curves when they dip. Wait, why am I looking? I don't even know. And I can't help but wonder if she even knows. Her beautiful eyes are nothing like ours. They're so deep and bright; you'd believe they were stars They pour forth emotions in rag...


The time we grew from Shizuka to Savita Bhabhi If you have watched Doraemon then you know who Shizuka is, crush of many kids before we watch porn. So today i am going to talk about a journey from "comic books to porn".                                               8th or 9th is the class where teenagers generally start watching porn. I can bet that if you are a 90's kid just like me, you must seen your first porn in a group with your friends and that too on a small screen of Nokia phone or in your computer lab.                                                                                 Computer lab used to be fun but the most thrilling expe...

Peer Pressure and Competition

The Unwanted Pressure: Peer Pressure               I had my first sip of alcohol when was in my college. Believe me, i didn't wish to drink it but there was something that forced me and this was so strong that it defeated my instincts. My insticts were constantly shouting that i shouldn't "Drink" but i still drank. You know why???                          It was the "peer pressure of my friends".All of my friends drink alcohol and i was the odd one out and i know the pain of being an odd one out just like you may be facing right now and i was no different from others as all teenagers go through this phase. "The phase of trying to be cool" being   "The Stud " of the class.                                             I guess you too might have g...

How to read your life?

Passion                                      If you are 15-18 years old,then the most common question that comes to your mind is "what is my passion" and the  answer to this question may change your future. As I have to been through this phase so I will tell you how I found out my passion in life.                            First of all, before knowing your passion you should know the meaning of the word "passion".There is basic misconception about passion that it will make you rich but it's true meaning is that by following it you will be happy even if you fail in it, you won't give up.   How to find your passion?           1) Pain -      The word  "Passion"   comes from a latin word "party" which means  to suffer.   So if y...